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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mrs Hillary Clinton is hopeful that Nuclear Agreement with the Iran will be concluded in the near future.

Mrs Hillary Clinton is hopeful that Nuclear Agreement with the Iran will be concluded in the near future.

While addressing  her supporters at New Hampshire on 4th July 2015 , the Democratic frontrunner informed that she is confident that a nuclear deal with Iran could be arrived at well-before the next week’s deadline, demonstrating her support for the draft accord that may be inked or not. 

Possible Nuclear Deal with Iran

Addressing to her supporters at Dartmouth College, Mrs. Hillary Clinton hoped that a nuclear deal would be signed in the next week that is likely to put a full-stop to Iran’s nuclear weapon program. The earlier deadline was fixed at June 30, but it was extended to offer more time to negotiators to space out the differences between Iran government on one side and the governments of France, China, UK, Russia, U.S.A and Germany on the other side.

Attacking Iran’s Hegemony

Mrs. Clinton further uttered that even if a nuclear deal is signed with Iran, we should not expect that Iran would amend his behavior. As per Mrs. Clinton, Iran is the global chief champion of terrorism, and they employ proxies like Hezbollah to spread discard and to establish insurgencies to destabilize governments.  Iran is in the process of to access control over many nations in the region and they remain as an existential danger to Israel.  Mrs. Hillary is of the view that even if a nuclear deal is concluded , US should work along with its partners to try to rein in and stop this prolonging Iranian assertiveness.


Commentators of the prolonging draft nuclear deal agreement and the negotiations are of the view that it does not move far away in minimizing the Iran’s stockpile of radioactive materials and uranium enrichment program.Earlier, Mrs. Clinton had pursued a measured tone on the Iran nuclear accord, extending her support, but doubting about whether Iran would honour the provisions of such agreement? 

Earlier, in April 2015, she supported a deal with Iran that verifiably reduce all of Iran’s access to a nuclear weapon, enforces an invasive inspection program with no sites to be claimed as off limits, and extends breaks out time and details out concise and overwhelming outcomes for infringements. She further claimed that the onus is to be placed on Iran and the bar must be set high. 


Mrs. Hillary Clinton cautioned the American voters that if a Republican is elected as president of U.S.A, the first and foremost step they will take to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  She appealed to Voters to facilitate the Democrats to take back both the Senate and the White House, so that the Democratic president will be committed to quality, affordable healthcare to all the U.S citizens. 

She reminded the American voters all the Republican presidential candidates have pledged to withdraw the Affordable Care Act. She urged that a Democratic president is to be elected to continue the policies of the present government that really will work for the majority of the Americans.

Courtesy: Zeke J Miller / Hanover N H- Times.Com

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