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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Jeb Bush’s Uber Driver – I will vote for Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Jeb Bush’s Uber Driver – I will vote for Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Munir Algazaly, Uber Driver Favours Mrs Hillary Clinton than Jeb Bush

Munir, an Uber driver who drove Jeb Bush, Republican Presidential contender to San Francisco on 16 July 2015 had actually had no idea that the passenger in his car is Jeb Bush until they arrived their destination.

Munir Algazaly, a 35- year old Yemeni who ferried Jeb Bush in his black Toyota Camry said later that he had no idea that his passenger is Jeb Bush, the Republican Presidential contender. 

Later, Jeb Bush in his tweet informed that he had a “rode shotgun” in the car and he gave the drive a “5-star “rating review.

Unfortunately, despite of giving good feedback on Munir, Jeb Bush was not lucky enough to secure Algazaly’s vote. Munir Algazaly said that he is going to vote for Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the democratic frontrunner for the Presidential race, as per Time.

On hearing this, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidential frontrunner Twitter message cheered that she has earned the confidence of the Uber driver who had driven her rival Jeb Bush in California.

In her Twitter message, the erstwhile Secretary of State thanked Munir’s support to her.

Courtesy: Time, Mashable, NYdailynews.

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