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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mrs. Hillary Clinton will fight for Comprehensive Immigration Reform & Acknowledges “ Black Lives Matter”

Mrs. Hillary Clinton will fight for Comprehensive Immigration Reform & Acknowledges “ Black Lives Matter”

During the question & Answer session with his Facebook fans, Mrs. Hillary Clinton answered the following:

Jasmine Pérez; Are you going to make it easier for immigrants to have a pathway to citizenship?
Hillary Clinton - Yes. This is a big difference I have with most of the Republican candidates. Donald Trump in particular is getting a lot of attention for some hateful rhetoric, but Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio actually agree with him on denying a pathway to citizenship and consigning hardworking immigrants to second class status. I will fight for comprehensive immigration reform that includes that pathway to citizenship.

Black lives matter
Wesley Lowery - You chose not to speak at Netroots Nation this weekend, two of your Democratic primary rivals did -- both were interrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters, who asked: "As the leader of this nation, will you advance a racial justice agenda that will dismantle -- not reform, not make progress -- but will begin to dismantle structural racism in the United States?"

Hillary Clinton - Black lives matter. Everyone in this country should stand firmly behind that. We need to acknowledge some hard truths about race and justice in this country, and one of those hard truths is that that racial inequality is not merely a symptom of economic inequality. Black people across America still experience racism every day. Since this campaign started, I've been talking about the work we must do to address the systemic inequities that persist in education, in economic opportunity, in our justice system. But we have to do more than talk - we have to take action. For example - we should make sure every police department in the US has body cameras. We should provide alternatives to incarceration for low-level offenders. We should invest in early childhood education for every child. We should fight for voting rights and universal voter registration. You will continue to hear me talking about these issues throughout this campaign and pushing for real solutions

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