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Monday, July 27, 2015

Mrs Hillary Clinton Fight against Climate Change

Mrs Hillary Clinton's Fight against Climate Change

Climate change is real and we must act. So as step one, Mrs. Hillary Clinton is proposing goals to meet this challenge and power our economy forward.

You don't have to be a scientist to accept scientific evidence. 

Unlike what the Republican Presidential candidates 

Too many Republicans in this race deny the very existence of this global threat by reminding you that they’re not scientists

Rand Paul – It is absolutely and utterly untrue 

Marco Rubio- I am not a scientist

Rick Perry- One Contrived Phony mess

Jeb Bush- I am a skeptic. I am not a scientist.

Ted Cruz- There has been no warming whatsoever

John Kasich- I don’t want to overact

By harnessing the renewable energy resources, we can reduce the climate change impact.


  • Can prevent more than 70,000 Asthma Attacks each year

  • ·        More than half-a-billion Solar Panels

  • ·        Can prevent 3000 premature deaths each year

  • ·        Can create 50,000 new jobs

  • ·        $35 billion investments

Definitely U.S.A is witnessing the impact of climate change 

Natalee Flóres- Now I may not be as smart as I am pretty, but I have observed my little Texas town grow wider highways and bigger buildings in the last five years than ever before. And I know we've been experiencing flash floods at a higher rate than ever (thanks to sprawling growth) rainwater can't soak into pavement as smoothly as it does in something permeable, like a nice park with trees. I don't care if you 'all call it climate change mitigation or conservation, just please safeguard our resources for the next generation. Someday, I hope my kids will enjoy the natural beauty in my home state of Texas like I can.

I (Hillary)  may not be a scientist, but I’m a grandmother with two eyes and a brain. That’s all it takes to know that we must immediately address climate change, one of the defining challenges of our time. I hope you’ll stand with me to do just that -

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