you want to elect – Tolerance or Hate ?
Torture doesn't work. It's wrong.
These dangerous words from Republicans have no place in our country- Comments
by Hillary Clinton on Trump Speech.
Donald Trump hails torture, mass killings
with ‘pigs’ blood’ ammo in SC
Trump closed his South Carolina campaign on Friday with a rambling speech
highlighted by a giddy,
almost childlike, enthusiasm for torturing and summarily executing the
suspected enemies of America in the name of safety.
was in free-association mode dwelling on one topic, like heroin in New
Hampshire or Japan’s monetary policy, and then jumping to another.
Trump repeated – favourably – an apparent myth about how General John Pershing summarily executed dozens
of Muslim prisoners in the Philippines with tainted ammunition during a guerrilla
war against the occupying United States.
“He took fifty bullets, and he dipped
them in pig’s blood,” Trump said. “And he had his men load his rifles and he
lined up the fifty people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the fiftieth
person he said ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’
And for 25 years there wasn’t a problem, okay?”
The moral of the tale, according to
Trump: “We better start getting tough and we better start getting vigilant, and
we better start using our heads or we’re not goanna have a country,
“Is it torture or not? It’s so borderline,” he
said. “It’s like minimal, minimal, minimal torture.”
He tied the San Bernardino shooting
into an argument over gun rights, saying the body count could have been
minimized if the office workers who were murdered had been armed.
“If there were guns on the other side
pointed at the other direction so the bullets are flying both ways you,
wouldn’t have had that happen,” he said.
Trump’s speech was a hit with the
audience, which cheered throughout.
Courtesy - benjy-sarlin - MSNBC