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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hillary Clinton will be a Special and Unique President of America

Hillary Clinton will be a Special and Unique President of America

Mrs Hillary Clinton differs from her opponents. In her presidential 2016 election campaign, she speaks about real policy initiatives such as

  •         Much more health care reforms beyond Obama Care Act

  • ·        Emphasizing more gun control norms there by keeping the gun out of hands of hard core criminals and people with unsound minds. (USA’s neighbor Canada has such requirements).

  • To offer equal rights to LGBT communities as regards to  marriage equal legal rights

·        Equal pay to Woman for the same job as that of male employees

·        Voting registration at the School level itself

·        Offering tax breaks to companies that employ apprentices

·        Reducing or fixing ceiling on CEO salaries and increase the salaries to employees who are responsible for improving productivity and the company’s bottom-line

·        To enhance the salary and perquisites of nursing communities and truck-drivers and so-on.

·        To decide about the fate of 11 million undocumented immigrants who are presently staying in America now and use their skills to make America as a strong nation.

·        She is strong will power to decide future decisions on Iran, Syria, ISIL, Israel and Palestine conflict, Yemen and so on.

·        Raising the minimum wages per hour to employees

Thus, by concentrating on the above issues, Mrs. Hillary Clinton is trying to resolve issues of everyday Americans witnessing that too from her heart.

Hillary Clinton wants that all government policies during her tenure as president will be driven by science. Hillary Clinton understands fully that the America was built on the hard and tireless efforts of immigrants and will fight to see 11 million undocumented immigrants who are presently in America will be offered citizenship as she knows that they and their kids will strive hard to make stronger American in the coming days. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Why Hillary Clinton is to be your Choice?

Republicans are of the view that Mrs. Hillary Clinton achieved nothing. Do you agree with their statement?  Please go through the first ever women accomplishments by Mrs. Hillary Clinton achieved by her as on date. 

  • ·        First-ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College

  • ·        Illustrious law graduate from Yale Law School

  • ·        Erstwhile Director of the Arkansas School of Law

  • ·        Erstwhile First Lady of Arkansas

  • ·        Erstwhile First Lady of United States

  • ·        The First ever FLOTUS  (The First Lady of the United States ) in US history to hold a post-graduate degree

  • ·        First-ever ex-FLOTUS in the US history to be ever elected to the United States of Senate.

  • ·        First ever ex-FLOTUS to held the position of Senator of New York for two consecutive terms in the United States Senate

  • ·        Erstwhile US Secretary of State

  • ·        GRAMMY Award winner

  • ·        Author of books and her own auto-biography – Hard Choices ,living history , An Invitation to the White House – At Home with History , Dear Socks and Dear Buddy , It Takes a Village: Other Lessons Children Teach Us.

  • ·        Self-proclaimed Pantsuit Aficionado  

  • ·        Affordable Health Care Insurance Program has its origin from Mr. Clinton ‘s health care plan in which Mrs. Hillary Clinton played active role

  • ·        Mrs. Hillary Clinton played a pivotal role in the establishment of the State Children Health Insurance Program, which offers the much required state backing for kids whose parents are poor or cannot afford the kids with needed healthcare coverage.

  • ·        Mrs. Hillary Clinton also played a chief role in the establishment of the Foster Care Independence Act and the Adoption and Safe Family Act.

  • ·        She vehemently fought and won in enhancing the research funding for asthma and prostate cancer at the National Institute of Health. (NIH).

  • ·        She has been actively involved in the investigation into mental illness hounding veterans of the Gulf War which is now famously known as –Gulf War Syndrome.

  • ·        She made her best efforts to establish the office on the Violence against Women at the Department of Justice.

  • ·        For renovating and refurbishing the World Trade Center, she played an active role by collecting more than $21 billion through funding.

  • ·        She was instrumental in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to offer adequate compensation and other health needs to our first responders who deserve most.

  • ·        Mrs. Hillary Clinton was responsible in designing a bi-partisan compromise to find solutions to the civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S Patriot Act.

  • ·     In the aftermath of 2008 financial meltdown, Mrs. Hillary Clinton was instrumental in the revival of the New Deal –era Home Owners’ Loan Corporation to assist homeowners’ refinance their mortgages.

  • ·     Mrs. Hillary Clinton was a strong supporter of sensible diplomacy which initiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and brokered with Burma for the restoration of human rights.

  • ·     Mrs. Hillary Clinton was instrumental in signing free trade agreement (FTA) with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.

  • ·     She was the first –ever Secretary of State who most travelled to the most destinations in the world to date.

  • ·     Mrs Hillary Clinton’s “ the Clinton’s Foundation” was responsible for improving the living conditions for about 400 million lives in excess of 180 nations around the world mainly through its initiative program.

  • ·     Mrs Hillary Clinton is actively involved in enhancing the minimum wages and waging war against climate changes.

Do you think that these are not achievements? Republicans find no strong candidate to field against Mrs. Hillary Clinton. With the above all achievements, Mrs Hillary Clinton, is no doubt, going to be the next Democrat President of the USA and she is going to make more achievements in the coming days.

Courtesy – Ryan Denson – Addicting Info

Mrs. Hillary Clinton leads her Democratic Opponents in the Race to Party’s Presidential Nominee in 2016

Mrs. Hillary Clinton leads her Democratic Opponents in the Race to Party’s Presidential Nominee in 2016

As per latest NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the erstwhile First Lady and the Secretary of State under the first Obama administration, has a 60 point lead over her Democratic opponents in the race to the Party’s president nominee in 2016.

Among Democrats, Senator Bernie Sanders has just 15% support whereas Mrs. Hillary Clinton has 75% of Democratic primary voters.  Further, Mrs Hillary Clinton also leads Jeb Bush, the Republican favourite, with 48% votes as compared to Jeb Bush who has scored 40%'


Name of Polling Agencies
Date of Polling
Mrs Hillary Clinton
Opposition Candidates
NBC News/ Wall Street Journal
June 14-18 , 2015
40%(Jeb Bush)
Public Policy Polling
June 11-14,2015
40% (Rand Paul)
May 29-31 2015
43% (Ted Cruz)
May 28-31
44% (Jeb Bush)
May19-26 ,2015
42%(Rand Paul)
Fox News
May 9-12,2015
43% (Ted Cruz)

As per New York Times / CBS News Polls on 3 May 2015, Democratic presidential candidate Mrs. Hillary Clinton’s approval ratings witnessed an increase of 9% between the March 2015 and the early May 2015.

As per the New York Times, 9 out of 10 Democrats strongly believe that Clinton has “strong traits of leadership and just about 80% of the Democrats have said that she is trustworthy and honest and “shares the values the majority of Americans try to emulate.

On the other hand, the above poll also revealed the fact that the Republican voters are yet to make up their choice of their presidential candidate for 2016. Just about 50% of the Republicans viewed that they would favour for Sen. Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, erstwhile Arkansas governor and Jeb Bush, Florida Governor.  On the other hand, about 42% of Republicans said that they would boycott Chris Christie, New Jersey Governor due to his involvement in “Bridgegate” scandal which he embroiled in 2014. About 33% Republicans said the same view about Sen. Rand Paul.

Courtesy – Wikipedia & Mr. Dennis Lynch of IBTimes.