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Thursday, June 9, 2016

President Obama says, today, I'm proud to announce that I'm with Hillary.

President Obama says, today, I'm proud to announce that I'm with Hillary.

President Obama says, today, I'm proud to announce that I'm with Hillary.
I know how hard the job of president can be. That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it.

I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.

She’s got the courage, the compassion, and the heart to get the job done. (I say that as someone who had to debate her more than 20 times.)

Even after our own hard-fought campaign in 2008, she agreed to serve our country as secretary of state. I’ve seen her judgment, toughness, and commitment to our values up close.

And I’ve seen her determination to give every American a fair shot at opportunity, no matter how tough the fight -- that’s what's always driven her, and still does.

I can’t wait to get out there and campaign for her.

If we’re going to protect President Obama’s legacy, we CANNOT let Donald Trump be our President.

That’s why Democrats need to answer President Obama’s call to unify -- and defeat Trump this fall.

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