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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hillary Clinton will take immediate action if US attacked in future by Terrorists

Hillary Clinton will take immediate action if US attacked in future by Terrorists

During a primary debate in South Carolina, when Mrs Clinton was asked what would her response when there was an attack like 9/11 attack on USA , the other contestants replied working with allies through United Nations , by establishing coalitions , Hillary immediately responded as follows:

In such event , we will have adequate intelligence who is behind the attack or the nations which helped them and I will make immediate strategy to initiate immediate offensive against those culprits who have carried out such inhuman attacks. I never forgive or tolerate any violent actions against US.

Like Margaret Thatcher of UK , Indira Gandhi of India , and Golda Meyer of Israel , we need another strong minded lady to safeguard USA from its enemies.


Hence , do not hesitate to select or elect Mrs Clinton as your next candidate for USA presidentship.

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