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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Barring Something Unforeseen, Hillary Clinton Will Be The Democratic Nominee

Barring Something Unforeseen, Hillary Clinton Will Be The Democratic Nominee

Hillary Clinton now has 2,141 delegates (with pledged and super delegates combined), as of midnight Wednesday.

That means she is 90 percent of the way to the 2,383 delegates she needs to clinch the Democratic nomination.

Taking super delegates out of the equation, she leads Bernie Sanders by 351 pledged delegates. (Clinton has 1,622 to Sanders' 1,282.) Sanders would need two-thirds of all remaining pledged delegates to overtake Clinton in that count.

Clinton could lose every single remaining contest in every single remaining state by more than 20 points and still get a pledged majority.
That is a virtual impossibility.

But super delegates should not be excluded. Yes, they won't officially vote until this summer's convention. And, yes, they can vote however they want, but Clinton has a 519-to-39 lead with these elected officials and party leaders. Without Sanders winning the pledged majority, his only argument is that he polls better than Clinton at this point against Donald Trump. That is hardly an argument most seasoned politicians are going to buy at this point.


Courtesy : Domenico Montanaro NPR.ORG